Unleashing the power of button tracking with Sidetracker

Tracking and understanding how users interact with your website is a game-changer for any business. Sidetracker’s button tracking feature is here to make that process effortless and insightful, especially for those who aren’t tech wizards.

Why button tracking matters

Every click on your site is a potential goldmine of data. Whether it’s someone requesting a quote or signing up for a newsletter, these interactions provide invaluable insights. Sidetracker simplifies capturing and analyzing these clicks, so you can fine-tune your marketing strategy and improve user experience.

Real-world applications

Let’s say you run a service business. Tracking your “Request a Quote” button can transform how you operate:

  • Capture user details: Gather vital information using the Fetch Input Fields event.
  • Add to leads list: Seamlessly add potential clients to your CRM.
  • Update sales status: Keep your sales pipeline updated in real-time.
  • Send confirmation emails: Instantly notify both the potential client and your team.

This seamless integration means you can follow the entire customer journey from initial interest to final conversion, helping you make smarter marketing decisions.

Simplified setup

Setting up these trackers might sound daunting, but Sidetracker is designed with simplicity in mind. You start by creating a Tracker. This begins with an action—like a mouse click. From there, you can trigger various events that provide deep insights and automate responses.

But I already have contact form data in my website’s forms…

It’s a common question: “Why should I use Sidetracker when I already collect data through my website forms?” Here’s the difference:

  1. Comprehensive Tracking: While your website forms collect form data, Sidetracker goes beyond by tracking the entire user journey. This means you don’t just get the form submission; you get insights into what led to that submission, including referral sources, campaign data, and user behavior before and after the form is submitted.
  2. Enhanced Data Integration: Sidetracker can seamlessly integrate with your CRM and other marketing tools, automatically updating sales statuses, adding notes, and sending follow-up emails based on the user’s actions. Website forms typically collect data in isolation, requiring manual processes to achieve similar outcomes.
  3. Real-Time Actions: With Sidetracker, actions like sending emails, updating sales statuses, or adding to lists happen in real-time as users interact with your site. This ensures immediate responses and up-to-date information, helping you act quickly on new leads.
  4. Holistic View: Sidetracker provides a holistic view of your marketing efforts by linking online interactions with offline conversions, ad campaigns, and other touchpoints. This helps you understand the full impact of your marketing strategies and optimize them effectively.

Use case highlight

Imagine a business that provides quotes for services. With Sidetracker’s button tracking, you can monitor each step of the customer journey. Tracking a “Request a Quote” button helps gather user details, update sales status, and send data to the CRM, ensuring no lead is missed and marketing efforts are optimized.


Sidetracker’s button tracking feature isn’t just about capturing clicks; it’s about understanding your customers and making informed decisions. By offering a user-friendly alternative to Google Tag Manager, Sidetracker empowers businesses of all sizes to improve their marketing strategies and boost their ROI.

Ready to elevate your button tracking game? Try Sidetracker’s button tracking now.