Flexible features to power your growth

Get full control over your (online) marketing expenses. In a world where marketing budgets are crucial, Sidetracker provides valuable analytics that allow you to invest smartly in the right channels and save costs.

  • No use of cookies
  • Complete sales funnel insight
  • Try it for free for 14 days
  • Extensive dashboards

Try Sidetracker for free for 14 days. No payment details required.

Register conversion value per customer

Record the conversion value per lead and customer so you can accurately track and analyse the financial performance of each lead and customer.

Measure organic traffic

Analyze and measure organic traffic to your website for insight into performance and areas for improvement.

Measure ads traffic

Measure and analyze the traffic generated by your ads for effective campaign optimization.

Measuring social media traffic

Analyze traffic from your social media channels to understand the performance of your content and campaigns.

Measure buttons on website

Measure the traffic generated by button interactions on your website for in-depth insights.

Measure QR code

You can measure QR codes to gain insight into how often they are scanned and insight into the conversions of a QR code.

Link web forms

Easily link web forms: all data from completed forms are automatically linked to Sidetracker.

Overview of all conversions in lists

View all your conversions clearly in lists, so that you can see the number of conversions per list at a glance.

Extensive dashboard with export function

Discover our extensive dashboard with useful export options. Easily view and filter all relevant data, such as daily leads, orders and bookings.

Multi domain (multiple sites can be linked)

Easily link multiple sites to one account with our multi-domain feature, allowing you to manage and monitor all your websites in one place.

Recording function visitors

With the recording function you can review the visitor’s entire visiting behavior.

6,000+ integrations with Zapier connection

More than 6,000 integrations available through our Zapier connection.

Integration with WordPress / WooCommerce plugin

Full integration with WordPress / WooCommerce with the Sidetracker plugin.

Integration with Calendly

By integrating with Calendly, all appointments made are automatically registered as conversions.

API access

With API access you have the ability to exchange data with external systems, allowing you to integrate seamlessly with other software solutions.